So much is happening under the Rotary banner! Club member and Otterbein President Krendl to speak at our club Sept. 28
Can you believe its in the 90’s in Ohio at the end of September?? I can’t either. The weather made for a perfect day to drive the backroads to Zanesville yesterday for the District Four Points Seminar.
I got to spend time with some current Presidents and President Elects across our district 6690. It is always fascinating for me to listen to the leaders of other clubs discuss their trials and successes. In Chillicothe due to the high cost of their lunch meetings, they have had to change their meeting schedule to every other week. The Clintonville Club has taken advantage of the District’s Visioning Plan to help create a plan for where they want their club to be in three years’ time.
The Olentangy Club is in need of volunteers to assist with their Oktoberfest fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 30. (I told their President I would mention this in hopes we have a couple Rotarians that would consider helping.) Being at these meetings also reminds me that while we are all under the Rotary banner, we are unique and our club is special!
Our speaker this past week, Ann Marie, the author of “Letters to Ann” shared how one captain, Dr. John Hughes, shared with his daughter in letters he sent her what he was experiencing during the Korean War. His simple drawings let his young daughter know that her dad was all right She also described how the Captain’s drawings were very simple depictions of larger, more dangerous events that he was a part of during his time as Korean War doctor.
At the end of her power point, she told us that yes, Captain Hughes made it home alive after the war and he was her father in law!
Be sure to attend this Thursday’s meeting at the Villa and hear what Dr. Kathy Krendl has to say about what’s happening at Otterbein University. As Kathy is retiring at the end of this school year, this may be her final presentation to the club.
Finally I want to welcome our two newest members Katrina Plourde and Craig Buehler!
See you Thursday, Sept. 28, at Villa Milano!
Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville.