So much is happening under the Rotary banner! Club member and Otterbein President Krendl to speak at our club Sept. 28
So much is happening under the Rotary banner! Club member and Otterbein President Krendl to speak at our club Sept. 28 Can you believe its in the 90’s in Ohio at the end of September?? I can’t either. The weather made for a perfect day to drive the backroads to Zanesville yesterday for the District Four Points Seminar. I got to spend time with some current Presidents and President Elects across our district 6690. It is always fascinating for me to listen to the leaders of other clubs discuss their trials and successes. In Chillicothe due to the high cost of their lunch meetings, they have had to change their meeting schedule to every other week. The Clintonville Club has taken advantage of the District’s Visioning Plan to help create a plan for where they want their club to be in three years’ time. The Olentangy Club is in need of volunteers to assist with their Oktoberfest fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 30. (I told their President I would mention this in hopes we have a couple Rotarians that would consider helping.) Being at these meetings also reminds me that while we are all under the Rotary banner, we are unique and our club is special! Our speaker this past week, Ann Marie, the author of “Letters to Ann” shared how one captain, Dr. John Hughes, shared with his daughter in letters he sent her what he was experiencing during the Korean War. His simple drawings let his young […]
Read Full PostNo Villa Milano lunch – picnic at Highlands instead
No Villa Milano lunch – picnic at Highlands instead! The Prez says: Don’t go to Villa Milano tomorrow looking for the weekly Rotary Club of Westerville lunch meeting. There is NO meeting Thursday, Sept. 14. BUT, we are having a family picnic on Sunday, Sept. 17, in the picnic shelter at Westerville’s Highlands Park, 245 S. Spring Road. That’s in the same park southwest of Spring Road and Walnut Street where the Highlands Park Aquatic Center is located. The picnic will take place from noon to 3 p.m. Get out your picnic basket and fill it with your table settings, beverages and a side dish to share. The club is providing burgers and hot dogs. See you Sunday! Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville. Click here to return to the full Rotary Club of Westerville site Click here to view all of Lisa’s Prez Says blog entries
Read Full PostBack and ready for Rotary business!
Back and ready for Rotary business! I am back in Westerville and ready to get back to Rotary business! I loved my visit to Colorado! It has a very active lifestyle where it seems there are bike paths everywhere or a mountain to hike. I saw a mom and baby caribou enjoying a drink in the lake. I hiked to the top of the world at the Continental Divide, elevation 12,200 feet. I recommend everyone get to see this amazing state at least once! From all reports, President Elect Dave did an awesome job running the meeting this week. He brings an energy to the club that lifts up all of us! Mike Collins knocked the program out of the park! It looks like the format of a panel was well received by the members in attendance. With Mike and his team taking care of the programs, I am sure we will have more panel type programs in our future. No Thursday lunch – Sunday picnic instead This week, there is no regular Rotary meeting on Thursday. There is something better! Next Sunday, we are having a Rotary Family Picnic at Highlands Park shelter. This is near the Highland Pool. Our members have told the Board that they want more family activities and Rodney Peters has planned a great one! Burgers and hot dogs will be provided. The Social Committee is asking the members to bring side dishes to share! Get out your favorite recipes and bring them on […]
Read Full PostGet involved in Rotary! There’s dozens of ways
Get involved in Rotary! There’s dozens of ways Thank you to everyone that joined us for our weekly meeting at Medallion today (Aug. 31). I am glad that our program was an overview of what our Club does! I think there are many opportunities to join in a committee, and we are people of ACTION. We are fun people too! Let’s all remember to write letters to Veterans for Rock as he supports the Mail Call for the upcoming Westerville-sponsored Honor Flight. Or, help Rodney plan the Family Picnic that will take place at Highlands Park Sept 17th. Also, remember: Our Foundation Golf Outing is set for Sept 18th on the beautiful Medallion Club course. Please try to get a foursome to join. We’ve got lots of fun events on the calendar for September! Welcome to Dave Krebs, our new President Elect. I know the club will be in great hands with Dave once my year is done. See you next week, back at the Villa Milano! Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville. Click here to return to the full Rotary Club of Westerville site Click here to view all of Lisa’s Prez Says blog entries
Read Full PostTiberi to address club this week
Tiberi to address club this week This week at our meeting the speaker will be Congressman Pat Tiberi. This is our annual visit with Mr. Tiberi and he always has lots of DC insights for our members. He answers our questions on a range of topics from health insurance to student loan forgiveness programs. We look forward to seeing him Thursday. There is a rumor that the meal is lasagna! To all those that came to the Rusty Bucket on Thursday evening thanks and I hope you enjoyed this new meeting format. Actually it was more of a nonmeeting – just some great appetizers, adult beverages and chit chat. Even Joe Barone was there!! Our next evening happy hour will be in October. Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville. Click here to return to the full Rotary Club of Westerville site Click here to view all of Lisa’s Prez Says blog entries
Read Full PostWhy we do ‘Students of the Month’
Why we do ‘Students of the Month’ Ever wonder why the Rotary Club of Westerville sponsors our Students of the Month throughout each school year? It’s because – if you haven’t been paying attention – we’ve got some awesome kids in this community! It’s a pleasure to honor those chosen by our local high schools each month from October through June. Four students – one each from Westerville Central, North and South, and St. Francis DeSales – attend our first weekly meeting of the month. We spring for lunch and they become part of our meeting program for the day, telling us about themselves, their studies and their hopes for the future. I’m always impressed, as I know you are. We usually get to meet their parents as well. Thanks to Janet Withers for serving as out longtime coordinator of this great program. And of course, thanks to the Westerville school district for choosing the students and allowing us to recognize their hard work and good citizenship. Last year, we started a new bonus to the program. We chose one of the year’s SOTM for a small monetary award. The $250 went to Forlefac Fontem, who was the SOTM from Westerville South for December 2016. I bring this all up because we received a wonderful surprise this week. Unsolicited, a great thank you letter to the club arrived via our website – from Forlefac! It came in yesterday, Sept. 16 and provides a nice update on what he is doing […]
Read Full PostWelcome Natalie; Meet this week at the Bucket!
Welcome Natalie; Meet this week at the Bucket! The Westerville Rotary is growing again! Welcome to our new member, Natalie Shaffer! Remember that this coming Thursday, Aug. 17, we are shifting into casual mode … no lunch meeting, but an evening get-together at the Rusty Bucket on Polaris Parkway. Join your fellow Rotarians for a snack and a beverage at 5:30 p.m. There is no fee for our evening happy hour. This excludes any beverages. Please come, bring a Rotarian that hasn’t been able to make a day meeting in awhile, bring a friend, bring yourself! But come out on the 17th and say ‘Hi,’ while munching a chicken quesadilla! Thanks to Dave Krebs for his wrap up of the Fantastic Fourth of July! Thank you to all the Rotarians that assisted with packing the pumps and preparing them for shipping at EMC on Saturday. Rotarians in Action! Mark your calendar for our annual visit from Pat Tiberi at Villa Milano on Aug. 24. His meeting is always informative – be sure to bring a guest to this meeting. See you at the Bucket! Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 president of The Rotary Club of Westerville. Click here to return to the full Rotary Club of Westerville site Click here to view all of Lisa’s Prez Says blog entries
Read Full PostWelcome to our new blog, ‘The Prez Says’
Welcome to our new blog, ‘The Prez Says’ Hello and welcome to The Prez Says, our new Rotary Club of Westerville blog! We’ll use the blog to share club news and updates with members, as well as to communicate about the great service work we do with the larger Westerville community. Speaking of club news, we had a GREAT program at our weekly luncheon Thursday, Aug. 3, with Dr Greg Bixler, CEO of Design Outreach, telling us how we are changing lives by investing our grant money in Life Pumps. The Life Pumps bring incredible positive change to areas of the world where water is life-threateningly scarce, providing a dependable and easy to access source of clean drinking water. He was so interesting, we ran out of time so I think the club needs to invite him back! Not only was our program fascinating, our entire meeting had an awesome energy to it! From the music playing when members walked into the Villa, to our Rotary Raffle, to the installation of a new member, Christina Romanelli, we were rockin! Pastor Jim really brought all of us full circle as he talked about the importance of the past, present and future of our Westerville Rotary Club. Sergeant-at-Arms Dawn kept the members laughing as she collected all kinds of fines – birthday bucks, happy bucks, as well as fines for not taking a stint on the Food Trailer, and more. Join us next week for another great meeting at Villa Milano. This Prez will be out of town but […]
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