Back and ready for Rotary business!
I am back in Westerville and ready to get back to Rotary business! I loved my visit to Colorado! It has a very active lifestyle where it seems there are bike paths everywhere or a mountain to hike. I saw a mom and baby caribou enjoying a drink in the lake. I hiked to the top of the world at the Continental Divide, elevation 12,200 feet. I recommend everyone get to see this amazing state at least once!
From all reports, President Elect Dave did an awesome job running the meeting this week. He brings an energy to the club that lifts up all of us! Mike Collins knocked the program out of the park! It looks like the format of a panel was well received by the members in attendance. With Mike and his team taking care of the programs, I am sure we will have more panel type programs in our future.
No Thursday lunch – Sunday picnic instead
This week, there is no regular Rotary meeting on Thursday. There is something better! Next Sunday, we are having a Rotary Family Picnic at Highlands Park shelter. This is near the Highland Pool. Our members have told the Board that they want more family activities and Rodney Peters has planned a great one! Burgers and hot dogs will be provided. The Social Committee is asking the members to bring side dishes to share! Get out your favorite recipes and bring them on Sunday noon to 3 p.m. You will also need to provide your own drinks, and, table settings. Bring your children, grandchildren and a dish to share.
Lastly, thank you to all the Rotarians that assisted with the cleaning and packing of water pump parts on this past Saturday. This embodies our motto of service above self. I appreciate your giving of your time on Saturday and representing our club. Design Outreach is changing lives by installing their water pumps in Africa. I am proud that we are a part of that. Thank you everyone.
Lisa Janszen is the 2017-18 President of the Rotary Club of Westerville.